Supplementary material to
  Parameterization of disorder predictors for large-scale applications requiring high specificity by using an extended benchmark dataset.
Fernanda L. Sirota, Hong-Sain Ooi, Tobias Gattermayer, Georg Schneider, Frank Eisenhaber, Sebastian Maurer-Stroh
Supplementary files:
SL.fastaSL dataset, which includes short and long disordered regions annotated.
Remark465.fastaRemark 465 dataset, which mainly focuses on short disordered regions.
Sequences from both datasets and part of the annotation in the SL dataset were obtained from DisProt release 4.5. Please also refer to: Sickmeier M et al.. 2006. "DisProt: the Database of Disordered Proteins." Nucleic Acids Res. 2007 Jan;35(Database issue):D786-93.
Compressed fasta files of disorder predictions in the human proteome (IPI v3.54) with IUPred long. Disordered residues are masked with "X".
hIPI_IUPredLong_t0.50_ML0.fasta.gzthreshold = 0.50
minimum length to consider regions as disordered = 0
hIPI_IUPredLong_t0.50_ML10.fasta.gzthreshold = 0.50
minimum length to consider regions as disordered = 10
hIPI_IUPredLong_t0.50_ML30.fasta.gzthreshold = 0.50
minimum length to consider regions as disordered = 30
hIPI_IUPredLong_t0.54_ML0.fasta.gzthreshold = 0.54
minimum length to consider regions as disordered = 0
hIPI_IUPredLong_t0.54_ML10.fasta.gzthreshold = 0.54
minimum length to consider regions as disordered = 10
hIPI_IUPredLong_t0.54_ML30.fasta.gzthreshold = 0.54
minimum length to consider regions as disordered = 30
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